Thursday, October 7, 2010

The World In Tyler's Eyes

Yesterday, I had two sick little boys at home with me, Luke with his stomach bug and Tyler with his sore throat. Both were feeling better, but not yet ready to go back to school. So I tried to make the most of it; we read stories about fall, pumpkins, fire trucks and monkeys (Luke can relate to this!). We got out Tyler’s Handwriting Without Tears book and did the alphabet with Luke. Then Tyler found my retired camera and began taking snapshots of his life. He had so much fun! Of course, he started with the important things, the ceiling fan, his brother, lights, the TV, etc. When he was done, I enjoyed looking at all of his pictures and even posed for a few, sans make-up. After Tyler took all of his pictures, he would laugh when he saw the funny ones, like the one of Luke sticking his tongue out or me being silly. The most beautiful thing about these pictures is they are a glimpse into Tyler’s world -- the world in his eyes.

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