Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Favorite Snapshots and Moments of Christmas

We had such a wonderful Christmas this year. We carried on with old traditions and began new ones. The boys loved the Zilker Christmas tree, so that was our new one. We used to go to the Trail of Lights with Tyler, but now it is dead and gone. As usual, we baked and decorated cookies for Santa. This year, we made so much fudge and cookies, we had enough to share with all of the special people in our lives -- these are the people who lift me up and make my heart smile. I think that is one of my favorite things about Christmas, baking cookies and sharing the love.

The boys have become professional gift unwrappers, especially Luke. He got busted on several occasions before the big day, opening presents that were not his to open. I especially enjoyed the delight in their eyes as they opened up gifts and the sheer excitement of seeing what it was. My favorite moment had to be when Luke unwrapped a present from his cousins and said, “Wow! It’s a box. I got a box!” It was so cute, and he was REALLY excited. If only I could bottle all of that sweetness up, I would save it for later, when the boys are teenagers. All in all, a joyous holiday – time with family, dear friends and eyes full of wonder, the best things in life.

I am looking forward to the New Year. I am hopeful 2011 will be a year of wonderful change for me. The biggest of which will be my return to work, the world of hormonoids. I know it will be a challenge, but I am ready. I have missed teaching so much, especially touching the lives of so many on a daily basis. One of my biggest strengths I have in the classroom is the rapport I have with my students and the fact that I can relate to their world. I will also have a totally different perspective, since my world has changed tremendously since 2006. I now have two little boys, one with special needs. I think this will make me an even better teacher and more relatable to the parents whose shoes I walk in. I have so much compassion and empathy and I think this will be very empowering for my students and their parents. Watch out world and get ready, because here I come.

Wishing all of you a blessed and beautiful New Year!

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