Friday, February 11, 2011

Sweet Things

The best things in life are not things. ~Art Buchwald

As the boys get older, their little personalities continue to grow. They are really blossoming; they make me smile and laugh all the time with the sweet and funny little things they do. Here are a few from this week, which like sunshine and big blue skies, brightened my world.

Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching, which means that the boys and I have to prepare Valentine’s for their classes. They both love Toy Story, so we bought some pre-made ones this year which they chose. I think next year I will help them make some like I used to when I was a child. I miss the little things, especially hand-made crafts and cards. When a card is hand-made, you know that whoever made it thinks the world of you. As we were labeling Tyler’s Valentines, he was very picky with the ones he gave to his friends. This gave me a great deal of insight into how he feels about his friends. Since he is not as expressive as other children his age, sometimes it is hard to know his feelings. When he says things like this, I realize that his friends are incredibly important to him, just like mine are to me:

“I want to give this one to Jaden because he is very nice to me.”

This really melted my heart! As a mom of a child with autism, one of the things I worry about the most is how Tyler will be treated by his peers. I especially worry about bullying; so far, so good in that department. I just wish I could bottle this moment up and release it when he is a teenager; kids can be so mean and cruel, especially to those who are different.

Luke is my little wild man, very much like me at that age. He lives life to the fullest every day -- carpe diem is his motto. Last night, as I was helping Tyler get on the computer, Luke turned on the surround sound stereo and put on one of his favorite CDs, “Yummy Yummy” by the Wiggles. Yes, when not listening to Usher, we occasionally listen to children’s music. Tyler decided to come downstairs and dance around like a maniac with his brother. Earlier, he had brought down his clothes basket and demanded I wash clothes. I declined since there were only three things in the basket. So Tyler placed the clothes in the washing machine. Luke took the empty basket, put it over his body and danced around “like it was the last night of his life.” Luke's wild routine was like Jennifer Beals in Flashdance, minus the cage. I laughed uproariously! Then I had a bad thought, “Oh no, is this what we have to look forward to? A cage dancer!” Nothing will ever surprise me with Luke.

At school yesterday, I picked Tyler up around lunch time for his therapy session with Tammy. I walked into the classroom and then walked out to grab Tyler’s lunch box so we could head out. Tyler came outside and told me he wanted a cake, and this is what went down:

Tyler: Mommy, I want a cake!

Me: Is it your birthday?

Tyler: Yes, Mommy!

Me: No, it’s not your birthday, it’s in June. Luke’s birthday is before yours.

Tyler: (In song) Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear mommy, happy birthday to you.

Me: Thanks sweetie, but it’s not my birthday.

I walked back into the classroom and found out that it was his classmate’s birthday and there were cupcakes, which became a problem.

Tyler: I want a cupcake now!

Me: No, Tyler. You can have one when we get back from therapy. Mrs. Geen will save one for you.

Tyler: (getting upset) Mommy, I need a cupcake now! Please. I have to have one.

So I distracted him and pointed out Thumbelina, the hamster, which got his attention. While I did that, his teacher moved the cupcakes and then off we went, without a tantrum. His cupcake was there waiting for him when he returned.

The boys love this show called Bunnytown, it used to come on Disney, but they cancelled it. We bought a DVD with some of the episodes so the boys can continue to watch it. Actually, Mommy and Daddy love to watch it too! Out of all of the shows they love, it is actually one which I can sit down and watch too – it’s hilarious! They started airing the show in the UK, Canada and Europe in 2008 and then here in the US. The cast is mainly a bunch of puppet bunnies. The boys’ favorite segments are “Disco Pirate Bunny” and “Stinky Dino.” In fact, they love role playing “Stinky Dino.” It goes like this:

Tyler (to Luke and with sniffing noises): Ugh, you stinky!

Luke: Me not stinky, you stinky!

Tyler: No you stinky! (dirty dinosaur enters the background)

Luke (with sniffing noises): Me not stinky, Dino stinky! Bath time.

At this point, the boys chase each other in circles around the room. I love watching them role play “stinky dino,” its hilarious!

If you're interested in getting a glimpse into Bunnytown, here’s a YouTube video of the “Bunnytown Hop.”

These are our happy moments, which increase my laugh lines and always keep me smiling. Guess it’s time to return to a kooky little place called, Grumblestown.

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