Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Splashin’ Good Times

Our summer kicked off with a bang this week as we enjoyed some relief from the wicked 103 degree heat at the Ricky Guerrero splash park with our friends Corey, Jaden, Shaylee and Jack. It was packed by the time we got there, but it didn’t matter to the boys. They ran like the wind through the sprinklers and were successful in getting soaked. I even ran through the sprinklers, it was that hot! It was exhilarating; it made me feel wild and free! The boys rotated between the splash pad and the park, swinging, sliding and monkeying around. We finished up our playdate with a stop at Sandy’s for a refreshing treat, some yummy frozen custard. If only every day this summer could be this carefree and awesome. I’m looking forward to many more days, surrounded by our friends with the sun shining down, glistening on our faces, and our hair and bodies soaked with water; some splashin’ good times.

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