Monday, August 9, 2010

Little Miracles

I have been waiting for some magical thing to happen with Tyler. I assumed it would be his potty training, that he would finally get pooping in the potty mastered and not be threatened or terrified by the porcelain goddess. Sometimes miracles occur in places you least expect. Tyler transitioning into going to bed by himself is a case in point. I was hoping this new transition would bring about a sense of independence in Tyler and I am so glad I trusted my instincts.

It has been over a week since Tyler and Luke moved into the "Big Boy Room." The first couple of nights were hard on Luke, but he's a little pro now. Tyler was over the moon happy and excited from the start. I enjoyed the little happy sounds of the boys talking and giggling themselves to sleep last week. Then last night I heard a major ruckus and went upstairs to check on them. Tyler was in Luke's baby bed and they were tackling each other. Little boys are so funny and so physical! I had to break it up and send Tyler back to his bed. He was not happy with me, but he got in his bed, cried a little and then slowly but surely went to sleep.

Tyler and Luke are so good together, and they are really learning a lot about themselves sharing a room. I know when they get older, it may not be as fun and we may have to separate them, but right now, I am enjoying this. Luke is learning about sharing and an added bonus is that it has helped boost Tyler's language development. I especially loved it when I heard him say the other night, "Lukie, BE QUIET! I'm trying to go to sleep." This made me laugh uncontrollably! Then I thought about it in the grand scheme of things and realized how wonderful it was to hear Tyler say this -- he is becoming more assertive! This is something I have been working with him on for quite a while. Assertiveness will help him in school and in life when he deals with bullies -- he will be able to tell them, "No, I don't like that. Don't hit me!"

Even though sometimes I feel like the odd person out in this house full of testosterone, I love every moment of it, especially when I have little miracles to be thankful for.

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