Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Rain, Rain, Stay and Play!

We spent this morning at Symphony Square, getting soaked and watching the Biscuit Brothers perform. On our way to Chris’ house this morning, I noticed some dark clouds looming in the horizon, but I did not think twice. As soon as we filled up the parking meter with change, and started walking to our destination, the rain came down, but that was just a taste of what we experienced later.

It was exhilarating! The last time we went to Symphony Art Park, it was crazy, swampy, drench your undies hot. I’ll take rain any day over crazy, butt hot! As we approached the balloons, Tyler decided he wanted to sit in the amphitheater and wait for the Biscuit Brothers. So we did. Chris, Natalie and Zach waited in line for balloon animals and then the sky fell out. It POURED down rain! Tyler laughed. He was so excited to get drenched. “Mommy, I’m getting all wet. It’s raining on me!” Not only did we get wet, but muddy. By the time the Biscuit Brothers performed, the sun came out and the music and sunshine brightened up our day.

After the concert, we walked over to the art park. The kids were so excited to see Waller Creek, they splashed in the puddles on the bridge -- we never made it over to the art tent. Tyler took off his shoes and jumped up and down, splashing everyone in sight. Then Natalie joined in. After a while, Natalie and Tyler told us they were hungry, so we headed to the car. We ended our fun morning with our friends eating lunch at Whataburger.

The simple pleasures of friends bring such meaning to our lives. It makes me think of one of my favorite Native American sayings, “My heart laughs with joy because I am in your presence.” It certainly does! Thanks for a wonderful day Chris! We are so blessed to have you and your wonderful family in our lives. Your friendship certainly makes my heart smile.


  1. I loved this chronicle of your great day, it made my heart smile! And I love that saying, I wrote it down and put it up on my fridge.
