Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010

We had a great Halloween this year! Tyler enjoyed helping me carve our pumpkin while Luke was napping. He always wants a “happy face” pumpkin. The boys dressed up as Buzz Light Year and Woody. They were excited to wear their costumes and go trick-or-treating at their grandparent’s houses. Luke was having an independent streak and did not want me to help him get his costume on, so he was not a happy camper when we loaded up in the truck and headed to Grammy and Pa’s. They looked so adorable, but were not the most cooperative when it came to photo opportunities, which frustrated this scrapbooking mama!

Tyler and Luke got plenty of candy and even some cookies from Pa Pa. I had a lapse of memory and was not thinking about the issue we used to have with Tyler – car sickness. He has not had a bout of car sickness since January. Low and behold, on our way home, we had to pull over and the vomiting ensued – too much candy, a cookie and a happy meal had not settled very well on his tummy. So we headed back home to hand out Halloween candy.

The boys loved handing out candy and telling everyone “Happy Halloween!” While I was bathing Luke, the door bell rang. We had more trick-or-treaters and Luke jumped out of the bath tub. He wanted to greet them while naked. I had to explain to him that greeting trick-or-treaters butt naked was inappropriate. Of course he didn't understand and protested quite vehemently. Even though our trick-or-treating was short-lived, the boys were happy and content, which made me smile. This is what life is all about, simple joys.

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