Monday, October 25, 2010

To Infinity and Beyond...

The boys are having a love fest with Toy Story lately -- they want to watch Toy Story over and over again, almost every day. Sometimes, they'll sneak into the playroom and put in the video. By the time I get up there, they are mesmerized and wrapped up in that wonderful, magical toy world.

Because of this recent obsession, Tyler decided he wanted to be Woody for Halloween, so I thought it would be perfect if Luke was his side-kick, Buzz. It is actually so fitting for my little men. In the movies, Woody and Buzz become best friends -- Tyler and Luke are inseperable and much to my pleasure, they have also become best friends. I have a feeling they will both look out for each other one day.

Recently, I have been thinking quite a bit about what the future holds for Tyler. He continues to make great strides and has been wowing his therapists with the things he can do. I have also been reading a lot about bullying, and how hard it is for children and teens who are different to fit in. I am hopeful that Tyler's educational experience will continue to be wonderful, that we will be blessed with the best teachers and caring students each year. I know this will not always be the case, but it is my hope. But, if things don't work out that way, I know Luke will be there, to look out for his brother, with a great love and ferocity. Siblings of autistics are extremely compassionate and undestanding individuals. And I will be there to guide him along the way. To infinity and beyond...

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