Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Epiphany and trouble with brother

I had an epiphany today. It has been almost 2 years since Tyler was diagnosed with autism and I was thinking of how far he has come, especially in terms of his language development. I am so grateful for his wonderful doctors, therapists and teachers, many of whom have been working with us since the beginning. He would not be where he is today without them.

We have moved from crazy obsessions over ceiling fans and A/C units to a funny new one -- the answering machine. If anyone has noticed, I have stopped answering my home phone. This is to keep the peace in the house, so Tyler can hear the message and all hell does not break loose. I was thinking of how funny, yet how annoying this new obsession is! And to boot, it is a social one. Who would've thought we would ever have moved past the blasted fan and A/C unit. I used to curse them and now I just look back and laugh at the ridiculousness.

Today is Wednesday, an occupational therapy day, so we went to McDonald's afterward to get a box, i.e. a Happy Meal. This is weekly ritual of ours. All was happy in the Grumbles house until big brother pilfered the remaining french fries from little brother's plate. This started the French Fries Revolution. Thank goodness it did not last as long as the French Revolution or have as much blood shed. Well, the war is over now and it is almost time for all good little boys to take a nap.

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