Monday, June 21, 2010

Hop Scotch

Tyler's game

All lined up

Hop, Hop, Hop!

This is really amazing and cool! This morning I went upstairs to get Luke up so he could eat his breakfast. When we came down stairs, Tyler had created his own personal hop scotch game on the living room floor. He took his Sesame Street flash cards and lined them up from 1-10. He got the idea from one of his Curious George episodes, and just recreated one on our floor. Whoever says that autistics can't imitate is wrong in my opinion.

Once Luke saw what was going on, he had to get in on the action. So he started counting and playing hopscotch. Then Luke messed up Tyler's alignment, which threw him into a tizzy. Tyler tells Luke, "Lukie, you need to go and eat your breakfast!" In other words, don't mess with my hopscotch! It's interesting having one child who thrives in chaos and one who thrives in order. When their two worlds collide, it's really funny! My little odd couple.

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