Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Hokey Pokey

From 5:00 to 6:30 pm in our house in known as the witching hour. I can't wait for Geoff to get home in the evenings -- the boys are like little monkeys, running wild and free and REALLY noisy. It's literally a zoo in here! Sometimes I put in a DVD, mostly Curious George and try to make dinner in peace, other times it's music, but it doesn't always tame the natives. So Geoff normally gets a call about 5 pm, "Where are you? I hope you're on your way home. Please tell me you're pulling in the neighborhood. The boys are wild!"

Geoff got home tonight and was our hero -- he brought pizza. I was on strike and the boys had been craving it. Shortly after dinner, Tyler went upstairs to hang out with Geoff and go to the bathroom. We have no privacy in our house with little ones, so Geoff is in the bathroom with Tyler as his audience. All of a sudden, Tyler busts out with the Hokey Pokey, "You put your right foot in, you put your right foot out, you put your right foot in and you shake it all about..." and starts demonstrating the dance for Geoff. Apparently this is the new song he learned at OT this week with Juliana. Talk about funny!

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